What’s the secret?

Back in September, I reached out to a wise friend asking her if we could meet. I had been bumping into one of life’s big questions and wanted to hear what she had to say. Trusting the counsel in Proverbs 20,  which speaks to the importance of seeking wise counsel,  I reached out to ask for some of her time. 

My own angst about the ups and downs of life had been pressing me into questions about contentment.  My thoughts were getting all wound up and my heart was searching,  looking for that one thing that makes living with life's tensions easier.   I secretly wanted a magic answer.  “What IS the secret to a joy-filled life?”  Seems there should be a tidy little list that we can all follow. 

Now this friend is probably the most saint-like woman I know. She serves endlessly and I never see her riled or rattled. She moves from person to person showing love with a smile on her face. Her heart is as big as the sky and she loves Jesus so very much. Her peace and joy are like a magnet pulling me to want more of what her heart seems to already know. 

She graciously welcomed me into her home, gave me a little tour, served me hot tea, and of course, there were cookies.  We sat on her patio overlooking the pond on that lovely fall day. A very happy space. 

As she shared what filled her days, I heard her talk about the simple things that bring her joy. Daily visits to a homebound friend, seeking out new people just to hear their story and then connecting others to the stories she has heard. Riding her bike,  nurturing friendships, and spending time in scripture and prayer are all included in her regular rhythms of life. 

I listened as she also talked about a leap of faith she recently took and the reality of not knowing how it would all turn out. Yet, she was living into that decision, trusting her yes and what it was providing for her.

She smiled as she spoke. Her voice had a calm confidence that allowed me to sit back and take a deep breath. Even as she spoke about the unknown of her future…there was only a slight pause and even that had a lingering trust in it.   A voice that is well aware of both beauty and joy along with the pain and sorrow that she knows is a part of life for each of us. 

There was a sense of freedom on the patio that morning, hearing how she leans into the daily things that give her strength to serve and stay connected to Jesus. Trusting that fully engaging in what is right in front of her is exactly what she is supposed to be doing. Humbly receiving the blessings God has for her among it all. 

And then as our conversation was winding down, having captured a few of the moments in life that bring her peace, she circled back to my original question about contentment and said the words I needed to hear that morning… “and then I just let it unfold”. 

What might be your secret to finding peace that fills your own heart? A slow morning with a cup of tea, a text to a friend, or a prayer before you start your work for the day?  May the answers to this secret peace we all desire be found in our willingness to let it unfold. 

  • How are you making space for the things that give you joy and strength in the ups and downs of life?

  • Where do you find opportunities to show love to others? 

  • What is happening every day that draws you closer to Jesus?  


The Hand of the Lord


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